7-Day No Sugar Challenge

OBJECTIVE The objective of this the 7-Day No Sugar Challenge is to eliminate added sugars from your diet for 7 days. This includes refined sugars, artificial sweeteners, and hidden sugars in processed foods.

Ultimately, the objective of this challenge is to become aware of food ingredients so you can make better, conscious choices. That will help you manage your relationship with sugar in the long run.

By the end of the challenge, you will hopefully learn how to find healthy alternatives of nutritious and delicious foods and drinks, that are good for your body. You may experience improved mood, reduced mood swings and you can expect improved energy levels, clearer skin, and potential weight loss, although that is not in scope for this challenge.

What is and what is not the 7-Day No Sugar Challenge?


  • Becoming aware of what’s in your food, to make informed choices
  • Consciously avoiding all sources of sugar and artificial sweeteners
  • Addressing potential sugar addiction
  • A week dedicated to mindful eating


  • A body detox diet (organs have that covered daily!)
  • A unrealistic expectation of losing 20 lbs and inches within the week
  • A mandate to never indulge in sugar again (occasional desserts are okay!)


  • Reintroduce Sugar Mindfully: Gradually reintroduce small amounts of natural sugars, such as those found in fruits, while continuing to avoid added sugars.
  • Long-Term Good Habits: Incorporate the lessons learned into your daily life. Make informed choices about your sugar intake for sustained health benefits.

Let’s embark on a mindful eating journey for a whole week!

Remember to consult with a healthcare professional before making significant dietary changes, especially if you have underlying health conditions.

And how do we do that?

Preparation is the key. If you don’t have healthy food and snacks alternatives at hand but instead your kitchen cabinets are stuffed with cookies, chocolate, chips, sugary breakfast bars and sweetened cereals you are more likely to give in to the old habits.

You may need a few or more days, to get ready mentally, by reading this material and by taking the preparation steps described below.

Preparation checklist

  • Clean out your pantry: Remove sugary snacks and processed foods from your home.
  • Read labels: Learn to spot hidden sugars in packaged foods. Look for terms like sucrose, high fructose corn syrup, and other sugar derivatives.
  • Stock up on healthy alternatives: Replace sugary snacks with healthier options like fresh fruits, seeds and nut mix. Enjoy small amounts of dark chocolate (70% cocoa or more).
  • Plan your sugar-free meals: Create a sugar-free weekly meal plan centered on whole foods like lean proteins, veggies, and complex carbs.
  • Track Progress: Track your progress. Keep a daily journal noting your meals, energy levels, any cravings and challenges. Reflect on how your body feels without added sugars.

Use the free printable diary to keep a daily journal noting your meals, energy levels, and any cravings. Reflect on how your body feels without added sugars.

Foods to avoid and their replacements

CategoryAvoidReplace with
ADDED SUGARSCandy, sodas, sugary snacks, pastries, and dessertsFresh fruits, dried fruits (in moderation), or homemade snacks with no added sugars
SWEETENED BEVERAGESSugary drinks, energy drinks, sweetened teas, and fruit juicesWater, herbal teas, or infused water with slices of fruits or herbs
PROCESSED FOODSPackaged foods with high sugar content, such as breakfast cereals, flavored yogurt, and pre-packaged saucesWhole, unprocessed foods like plain Greek yogurt, steel-cut oats, homemade sauces using natural ingredients
CONDIMENTS WITH ADDED SUGARSKetchup, barbecue sauce, and salad dressings with added sugarsHomemade sauces using fresh ingredients, or opt for condiments with no added sugars
BAKED GOODSCakes, cookies, and pastriesBaked goods with alternative sweeteners like stevia or using naturally sweet ingredients like bananas or dates
SUGARY BREAKFAST FOODSSweetened cereals, flavored oatmeal packets, and sugary breakfast barsWhole grain oats, plain yogurt, fresh fruits, and nuts for a nutrient-rich breakfast
CANDIES AND CHOCOLATESCandies, milk chocolates, and sweetsDark chocolate (70% cocoa or higher), and small amounts of naturally sweet treats like dates or figs
ARTIFICIAL SWEETENERSProducts containing artificial sweetenersNatural sweeteners like stevia, monk fruit, or erythritol in moderation
FLAVORED SNACKSFlavored popcorn, sweetened nuts, and sugary granola barsAir-popped popcorn with herbs, plain nuts, and homemade granola with no added sugars
INSTANT OR FLAVORED DRINKSInstant coffee or tea mixes, and flavored water with added sugarsPlain coffee or tea, and infuse water with slices of citrus, berries, or herbs

Daily Routine for 7-Day No Sugar Challenge


  • Day start with a glass of water to kickstart your hydration.
  • Brief mindfulness or gratitude exercise to set a positive tone for the day.
  • Breakfast with whole foods, sugar-free. Include a mix of lean proteins, whole grains, and fruits.

Tip: 5 minutes guided morning meditation is something you may enjoy. Try a few good ones I selected for you, by clicking the below button or search yourself on YouTube.


  • Lunch balanced meal with vegetables, lean proteins, and complex carbohydrates.
  • Plain water or herbal tea.
  • Mindful eating.
  • Optional sugar-free snacks such as fresh fruits, nuts, or veggies. Stay mindful of portion sizes.


  • Dinner with sugar-free ingredients, based on your meal plan.
  • Short after-dinner walk or a light stretching to aid digestion.

Tip: After meal workout or stretching, created especially to ease the digestion is something you may benefit from. Try the ones I selected for you, by clicking the below button or search yourself on YouTube.

Before Bed

  • A glass of water before bedtime. Consider herbal tea for relaxation.
  • Update your progress journal, noting meals and any challenges faced. Reflect on the day and how you managed cravings.

Tips for Success with 7-Day No Sugar Challenge

  • Stay Hydrated: Aim for at least 8 glasses of water per day.
  • Eat Mindfully: Chew your food slowly and savor each bite. Avoid eating in front of TV or phone.
  • Plan Meals: Plan your meals in advance to avoid last-minute temptations. Replace chips and sugary snacks with healthy options (see the table above).
  • Support System: Share your experiences with a close friend or a family member for accountability and fun.

To understand why do we crave for sugar and when exactly sugar becomes a threat for our body, read Sweet Escape from the Bitter Effects of Sugar and Self-Sabotage: The Pitfall of Indulgence to see how self-indulgence and excessive rewarding become self-sabotage and to learn how to break that vicious cycle.

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